Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
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My Daily Bread – 3 John 1:3
It gives me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continued to walk in it. #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – 1 John 5:4
for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. #brokenredeeed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – 1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – 2 Peter 1:5
For this very reason make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
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With the help of Silas, whom I regard as a faithful brother, I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is that true grace of God, Stand fast in it. #brokenredeemmed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – 1 Peter 5:9
Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world in undergoing the same kind of suffering. #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – 1 Peter 4:19
So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful creator and continue to do good. #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – Matthew 28:6
He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
Read MoreMy Daily Bread – A.J. Swoboda ~A Glorious Dark
“So when we think about Saturday, we must do so rejecting our knowledge that Jesus WILL Rise. Those in the first Saturday didn’t know that. They were unaware.” #brokenredeemed #4thWatch #faith #love
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